1 April - Dr Will Horton - in ENGLISH
" Channeling F.E.A.R. " and the 'Magick Mirror' NLP technique

Dr Will Horton is a licensed psychologist and leading expert in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic-Programming), Hypnosis, and one of the best when it comes to working with addictions. 
He is also the founder of the National Federation of Neuro-Linguistic Psychology and author of numerous books.

In this video, Dr Will shares his insights on FEAR, and guides you through his new NLP technique "The Magick Mirror"

Here's the link to the replay:


To know more about Dr Will please click here:

2 April - Roy Hunter - in ENGLISH
" Selling Success to the Subconscious "

Roy Hunter  is a published author and hypnosis trainer recognized both in America and abroad. He was originally trained by Charles Tebbetts, the pioneer of parts therapy and a pioneer of client centered hypnotherapy, who asked Roy to continue his work. 
Roy's highly praised text books are used at hypnosis schools around the world. His book on spiritual hypnosis includes contributions by over two dozen hypnosis professionals from around the world. 
He has given lectures and workshops in over 20 countries. 
Roy has received numerous awards through the years, including lifetime achievement from three different organizations. He was inducted into the International Hall of Fame for his written contributions to hypnotherapy, and a Life Diplomate of IMDHA and APHP
In this video, Roy presents:
Motivate Yourself to Achieve Goals by Selling Success to the Subconscious (or How to overcome Undesired Habits)
"Whenever imagination and willpower are in conflict, imagination usually wins. The approach I have used with clients since 1983 has passed the test of time, enabling many thousands of people to achieve goals and overcome undesired habits (such as quitting smoking and managing weight). As I have told clients for over three decades, we are all tunes in to WII-FM, which are the call letters for 'What's In It For Me?'
Imagine that you have already achieved your goal a year ago. What are your personal benefits. List them.... and go into a meditative state (or self-hypnosis) and fantasize your emotional satisfaction of those benefits, including your attitude of gratitude for achieving success"

You can read the free article entitled "Selling Success to the Subconscious" on his website at: 

Here's the link to the replay:

Roy's website is:

Roy also made the benefits outline available to all. Click here for the download

3 April - Rola AbdelBaki - in ENGLISH
Faith and Laughter

Rola AbdelBaki  is a Hypnotherapist, a Hypno-Parenting Coach, and a Laughter Yoga Trainer.

In this video, Rola will inspire you with a story about Faith, Belief and Trust.

She will then conduct a laughter session with you

To know more about Rola check out:

Here's the link to the replay:

4 April morning - Dali Geagea - in ENGLISH
A guided Imagery session into the garden of your mind

Dali Geagea combines her Doctorate in Pharmaceutical practices with Hypnotherapy, helping people overcome fears and pains, and also helps health care providers with 'Hypno-Anaesthesia'. 
At the moment, she is in Australia, researching Hypnosis for pain and anxiety, and children with burns.
Her goal as a hypnotherapist is to guide people to maximize their potential, let go of inner barriers, be free of pain and suffering, and attain well-being
The session is guided imagery and hypnosis to relax the mind; let go of tensions, fears and negative thoughts; face this confinement period with more acceptance, positivity, creativity and self-care. The session will use pleasant imagery, past regression, future progression, parts therapy and metaphors.  

Autumn to Spring...
Vices to Virtues...
Seeds to Flowers...

Dali guides you to plant the seeds you would like to see grow, in the garden of your mind...

Here's the link to the replay:

To know more about Dali check out:

4 April evening - Dr David Abou Khalil - in ARABIC
Releasing emotional and energy congestion through the Science of Breathing

Dr. David Abou Khalil is specialized in Mind-Body Medicine. he has a Doctorate in Physical Therapy as well as in Metaphysical Psychology, and is certified in Anti-Aging and regenerating medicine, Brainworking Recursive Therapy, and in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.
He is also a Master Hypnotherapist and Auto-Hypnosis teacher.
As International trainer in Energy medicine and holistic therapy, and Founder and innovator of The Transformational Holistic Breathing®, in yesterday's session, he spoke about the science of Breathing, the importance of mindfulness, and showed us transformational breathing tools and techniques to release emotional and energy congestion.


Here's the link to the replay:


To know more about Dr David check out:




5 April - Daniel Ghanimé - in ENGLISH
Post COVID19 - Getting back on "another" track

Daniel Ghanimé  is a holder of an International MBA in enterprise management, a Licensed Morpho-psychologist, a certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, and a Hypno-Parenting Coach, helping kids and parents to regain their lived, raising resilient generations. 

"Many are talking about the pandemic, how we are living now, the anxiety, the stress and the insecurities. Being locked in has made people vulnerable while facing their own demons and fears.
Not many have been analyzing The post COVID-19 era and the impact on our lives, on all levels (e.g Children, mental, physical, spiritual, financial, career, recruitment, recession, quality of life, management, leadership, habits, phobias and psychosomatic effects…)

In this interview, Daniel talks about the Post COVID-19 era, discussing the bigger picture and proposing ways to build resilience and fight back to be able to be back on a "different track"

Here's the link to the replay:


To know more about Daniel check out:

6 April - Heinrich lang - in GERMAN
Ängste und Zwänge, und die Wichtigkeit des Fühlen, Denken und Handeln

Heinrich Lang  ist Heilpraktiker,  Hypnose-Therapeut,  NLP Practitioner,  und arbeitet energetisch mit "Heilströmen"

Er ist auch Schreinermeister, und verbindet sein Wissen und seine Erfharung im Bereich des Unterbewussten mit der praktischen Seite des Handwerkes, und hat somit vielen seiner Klienten geholfen, den Zyklus "Fühlen - Denken - Handeln" nicht nur zu verstehen, sondern auch positiv in die Tat und in ihr Leben umzusetzen.
Heinrich verdeutlicht in diesem Talk die Begriffe 'Angst' und 'Zwang', und diskutiert die Wichtigkeit, die 3 Elemente des Fühlen, Denken und Handeln zu verstehen und auch zuzulassen.


Hier geht's zum Replay:
Das ist Heinrichs Webseite:

7 April - Sami Fares - in ENGLISH
The Role of the Individual in the Collective Consciousness

Sami Fares  is a Hypnotherapist and a Spiritual Healer and Guide. 
He uses a diverse background of healing modalities and spiritual sciences to facilitate people's journey of self-discovery and alignment with the expression of their true nature.
He is a Honorary Member of the LSH, and a member of the NGH 

What are the Cosmic Laws?
What are Nature's Laws?
What is our role in all of that?

In this talk, Sami discusses the role of the individual in transforming collective consciousness
He speaks about alignment of intentions, about how fear interferes with that alignment, and gives us a nice experience of collective intention setting. 

Here's the link to the replay:

You can connect with Sami here:



8 April - Tom Nicoli - in ENGLISH
Quick and Easy Ways to Reduce and Manage Harmful Stress

Tom Nicoli  is a Board Certified Hypnotist, Certified Instructor, Certified Personal Development Coach and Consultant to Practicing Hypnotists. He is also an internationally published author and speaker.

Simply turn your mind's eye inward and instantly feel far away from stress
That easy? 
Listen to how Tom does it!

In this talk, Tom Nicoli shares with us a deeper understanding and awareness of the dangers and consequences of stress on a physical, emotional and spiritual level, and then shows us how to quickly interrupt the stress response, and naturally create positive feelings.

Here's the link to the replay:

You can connect with Tom here:

9 April - Dr Javed Hingora - in ENGLISH
"Mind Games"

Dr Javed Hingora  

With 18 years in the field, Dr Javed has been pivotal in helping thousands of patients  from over 100 countries to heal naturally from various ailments and conditions. He is a Fellow of the International Academy of Classical Homeopathy in Greece. Dr Javed also believes in the simplicity of healing using hands.
His client portfolio includes celebrities, dignitaries and members of the Royal families from various countries.
He has pioneered the propagation of Homeopathy in the UAE, founding the first dedicated homeopathy clinic, 'Dubai Homeopathy Health Centre' in 2005.

Dr Javed's talk is about the effects of our thoughts on our body, and how the Corona Virus pandemic is affecting us even without having an infection!

He discusses the power of thoughts, the placebo and the nocebo effects, and gives us a deeper understnding of how Homeopathy works and how it helps. 

Here's the link to the replay:

Dr Javed's website is:

10 April - Barbara Schütze - in GERMAN
"Glück ist eine Geisteshaltung"

Barbara Schütze  ist 54 Jahre mit Empathie, Intuition und Visionen reichhaltig lebenserprobt. Sie hat immer schon unique, authentisch, originell, integer das Leben kreiert, die eigenen Bühnenbilder gestaltet und sich den Herausforderungen des Anderssein gestellt, die Konsequenzen getroffener Entscheidungen individuell verantwortet und für alle davon betroffenen Personen lebbare Lösungen gefunden.
Ihre Lebenshaltung ist eine Kunst, die sie euch in diesem Talk ein bisschen näher bringt

Glück ist eine Geisteshaltung! Das was das Thema gestern.
Erfahre die Kraft Deiner Gedanken!
Dein Joker ist Deine Kommunikation mit Dir und Deiner Umgebung.
...auf welchem Weg auch immer...Aber auf Deinem Level
...in Deiner aktuellen Lebenssituation und den damit verbundenen Umständen! Nimm den Dialog zu Dir selbst auf und verbinde Dich mit Deiner persönlichen Lebens-Motivation!
Selbstmanagement contra Fremdbestimmt!


Hier geht's zum Replay:

Barbaras Webseite ist:

11 April morning - Mona Abdulrahim-Santl with Arcel and Virginia Acosta
"Sanitize Your Mind" - ENGLISH and TAGALOG

Mona Abdulrahim-Santl 

This special session is specially for Filipinos (in English with Tagalog translation)

We clean our hands with soap, we use sanitizer to disinfect ourselves from an "invisible" virus.
What do we do to please our mind? How do we get rid the "invisible" thoughts?
Watch easy and natural ways to "Sanitize Your Mind"

In this talk, I am talking myself, and with me Arcel Acosta Dilma and Virginia Ribera Acosta, helping me in their own language.

Here's the link to the replay:

You can read more about me or connect with me here:

11 April evening - Vyara Tosheva - in ENGLISH
"Ego Strengthening"

Vyara Tosheva  is a spa and wellness business consultant with passion and certifications in NLP, Meditation, Reiki and EFT practices.

In this session,  Vyara guides you through Dr Hartland's epic script "Ego-Strengthening", to help you boost your confidence, resilience, strength, and so much more...
Just close your eyes and allow very empowering suggestions to motivate you towards your goals and aspirations. 

Here's the link to the replay:

Find more about Vyara here:

12 April - Cynthia Da Silva - in ENGLISH
"The Freedom of Isolation"

Cynthia Da Silva  is a Hypnotherapist and Life Transformation Coach, and has maintained a private practice since 2003. She hold specialized certification in Sports Hypnosis, NLP, Complementary Medical Hypnosis and Hypnosis for Pain Management.
Cynthia works with clients worldwide via Skype or Zoom, as well as in-person sessions in Scottsdale, Arizona and Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.
Today, Cynthia will explore ‘The Freedom of Isolation’:

A hypnotic guided imagery session to help you shift from fear to strength
In these challenging times, as each new day seems to bring more layers of confusion, bad news and uncertainty, it can be easy to fall into a web of negativity, worry, fear, and complaints.
OR...... this unique time can be a time of amazing opportunities. This is a wonderful chance for you to strengthen your sense of hope and optimism, your own, unique skills and knowledge, your focus, your inner power and wisdom, and your relationships
Here's the link to the replay:

Find more about Cynthia here:

13 April - Dr Pierre Khazen - in ENGLISH
"Rewire your Brain" and the Science of Laughter

Dr Pierre Khazen  is a Physical Therapist,  a Master Hypnotherapist, and Holistic Transformational Healing Practitioner.
Pierre holds a doctorate degree in physical therapy specialized in neurological rehabilitation and a master degree in hypnosis. He is certified by the American National Guild of Hypnotists as 7th path self-Hypnosis teacher.
Pierre is registered member of the Order of Physical Therapy in Lebanon 
He is also member of the Lebanese Syndicate of Hypnotherapists and the National Guild of Hypnotists in the USA.
Pierre is a teacher, lecturer and Internship mentor for neurological rehabilitation in the Antonine University (North Lebanon).

Today, Dr Pierre talks about the science of laughter and helps you rewire your brain

Here's the link to the replay:

Find more about Dr Pierre Khazen here:
 instagram : pkhazen 

14 April - Petra Danier - in ENGLISH
The needs of children in times of Corona

Petra Danier  is a Teacher, a Hypnotherapist, a Naturopath for Psychotherapy, and a Hypno-Parenting Coach.
In her role as a teacher, Petra is directly involved not only in the academics, but also the wellbeing of children.
The Corona Virus Pandemic exposed her to new insights, new ways of dealing with the children, and developed her understanding and awareness of "the children's needs during these times"
In this talk, she shares her story, and the techniques she uses in the classroom.
She also demonstrates to parents and everyone involved with children techniques to deal with them using the Hypno-Parenting approach.

Here's the link to the replay:

This is how you can contact Petra in Kiefersfelden, Germany:

15 April - Amber Cox - in ENGLISH
"Hack your brain"

Amber Cox  is a client directed change expert who's work encompasses individuals, teams and companies to incorporate cohesive relationships and behavioral change according to goals, desires and general well-being. She uses integrative modalities and processes such as Emotional Intelligence training, Neuro-Linguistic Linguistic Programming and Clinical Hypnotherapy.
Amber also is a global presenter and trainer on Emotional Intelligence as well as an expert at delivering presentations and demonstrations on the power of suggestion with regard to behavioral change in utilizing mindfulness and resilience techniques.

"Are you feeling any of this: stressed, run down, exhausted, chaotic, never enough time, scattered?? I can relate and so can so many people. Our emotional and physical states are affected greatly by stress and cortisol spikes.
Do you know that every single client that I have worked with is experiencing at least one of these feelings? 
Stress is hard on our bodies and from all the research and my years of observation doing the work I do, I believe 100% it is the culprit of most disease and illness. Guess what?? You have the ability to change this and you can change it very quickly and I can help you"

Join Amber to learn how to take control of your emotional well being.
This will be a game changer for you and the quality of your life.

Here are 4 techniques Amber showed us:

  • 4-4-8 (or 5-5-10) deep breathing
  • Breath of gratitude
  • Bilateral stimulation
  • Widen your peripheral vision

Find out more about Amber here:

Here's the link to the replay:

Amber has generously and freely shared the material she mentioned on the call with us.
Chaos to Calm in Minutes

16 April - Olga Pavlova - in ENGLISH
Gentle yoga for better sleep

Olga Pavlova  is a Well-being Coach, Breath-work therapist, Hypnotherapist, and a Yoga teacher.
In this session, she explains the 5 pillars of well-being in quarantine conditions, and why Yoga practice is so helpful in given circumstances. 
And then,  join her in an interactive gentle yoga routine for restful sleep  💤
You will need a yoga mat, or floor carpet, a cushion and comfortable clothes for stretching

Here's the link to the replay:

Find out more about Olga on her Facebook or instagram pages
Inst: @olga.pavlova.2019

During this pandemic - quarantine times Olga offers free daily morning live Yoga practice on her Facebook as well as Instagram account

17 April - Mahmoud Ghandour - in ARABIC
"Worry Solutions"

Mahmoud Ghandour  Coming from more than 30 years of experience in the corporate world, Mahmoud draws his tailor made trainings mostly from experience peppered with updated knowledge and advancements in the fields of Sales, Marketing, Customer Service, Worry and Stress Solutions amongst many others. 
In addition to that, he has an extensive experience in creative writing: plays, movies, TV shows and songs, and he uses all that in creating specialized trainings in Creative Writing, Business Writing and Copy Writing.
Mahmoud is also a certified Hypnotherapist which he utilizes in widening his communication skills and helps him understand the nuances and worries of his trainees.
Mahmoud lived in Lebanon, USA, Canada and KSA in addition to his extensive travels to Europe, Southeast Asia and the Arab world , which exposed him to different business cultures and enriched his knowledge and experience.

What are worries?
Are there positive aspects to worrying?
How do we shift our focus?

Talking about what worries us is a relief in itself, and listening to what others say might help also in shedding a light on a different, unthought of side of the issue, and this is where Mahmoud will offer you, in this talk, a wider angle and outside-the-box possible solutions.


Here's the link to the replay:

Find out more about Mahmoud here:

18 April - Andreas Mosaad - in ENGLISH
"Bardo - The transitional state between impermanence"

Andreas Mosaad  is a licensed clinical Hypnotherapist, and holds a HBA in Psychology. 
Through his work at a pain management clinic, he has studied the difference between pain and suffering, in our emotional and physical bodies, and continues to pursue Healing knowledge of Mind Body dynamics through diplomas in Therapeutic Yoga, Hypnosis and the applications of cannabis as a therapeutic tool in a professional medical setting. 
Andreas was raised in Southern Ontario in a multicultural home and has lived and worked in Germany, Egypt, Nepal, India and the USA. He brings to his practice the richness of these cultures and the perennial philosophy that Health is harmony with life. 
Andreas empowers his clients in conveying that all healing is self-healing. He provides proven techniques and practical teachings of the inner environment to unlock the unconscious for healing  and beneficial changes to take place physically, emotionally and mentally.

Who am I really? 
How do I find myself? 
How do I find 'Bardo"? 
What is suffering?   

Through the lens of Bardo, an ancient Tibetan term, "the space between dreams", Andreas speaks about how global changes are impacting the individual. He shares how he, and also you, can, though introspection and meditation, learn to recognize and welcome this space of transformation , and find Peace.

Here's the link to the replay:

You can connect with Andreas here:

19 April - Beryl Comar - in ENGLISH
NLP and EFT for fear and anxiety

Beryl Comar  is a Emotional Intelligence Development Specialist, Consulting Hypnotist and Instructor, NLP Platinum Master & Instructor, Sleep Talk for Children Trainer and EFT Trainer.  

In this talk, she shares a very rich variety of quick techniques you can use to interrupt the negative pattern of fear or anxiety in your ind.

You can connect with Beryl here: 

Here's the link to the replay:

Beryl has generously prepared a document with all the techniques she mentioned and more, and freely shares these with us.
Download here

20 April - Cayte Mocadam - in ENGLISH
"Soul Glow"

Cayte Mocadam  has more than 11 years of experience providing the most up-to-date techniques in EFT, NLP training,  relationship counseling, trauma healing, hypnotherapy and therapy for children. 
Cayte also offers self-improvement courses and healing attunements and certification programs such as Reiki, Pranic,  Kundalini, Karuna and more  than 100 attunement courses. 

In this talk, Cayte shares her knowledge about energy,  and the importance of holistic wellbeing - on an emotional, physical and mental level. 
She explains what attunement is, and guides us through a "soul Glow" experience.  

Here’s the link to the replay:


You can connect with Cayte here: 


21 April - Hildegard Marton - in GERMAN
Angst und das Immunsystem

Hildegard Marton  ist Heilpraktikerin und Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie, Ayurveda Therapeutin, Hypnose-Therapeutin, und Hypnose-Instruktoren (NGH), Dozentin und Hypno-Parenting Coach. 
Sie arbeitet mit Klienten und unterrichtet Hypnose in Deutsch und Ungarisch, in Deutschland und auch in Ungarn. 

Sie spricht in diesem Talk über Angst und das Immunsystem. 
Was sind sie Zusammenhänge und wie können wir unserem Immunsystem helfen? 
Hört euch an was sie über den 'Thymus', über Viren und über die 'Wirtzellen' erzählt, und lasst euch dann durch eine kurze hypnotische Reise in eine wunderbare Ruhe führen....


Hier geht's zum Replay:


Hier könnt ihr Hildegard erreichen: 

22 April - Grace Khleif - in ENGLISH

Grace Khleif  is a Leadership, Wellness and Relationship Co-Active Coach CPCC, PCC, a certified Hypnotherapist, a Hypno-Parenting Coach, NLP & EFT practitioner, Reiki Master teacher, Breath and Bodyworks Coach, and Mindfulness & Meditation teacher. 
She is a Board member of the ICF Lebanon Chartered Chapter and a member of the LSH.
For the past ten years she has been helping her clients to awaken their inner power, create balance in their lives and achieve fulfillment. 

In this talk, Grace shares the importance of mindfulness and starting a daily meditation practice to reduce stress ad manage emotions during the COVID-19 crisis. 
To be mindful is to be aware, to pay attention, in the present moment and without judgement. 
Training attention to be where you want it to be reduces our tendency to work on autopilot, and allows us to choose how to respond instead of reacting to our emotions.
Grace also guides you through a mindfulness meditation.

You can connect with Grace here: 

instagram: @coachgracekhleif

During the Corona pandemic, Grace has a FREE meditation every Saturday at 11am Beirut time on her Instagram: @coachgracekhleif

Here’s the link to the replay:

Grace has shared the 5 steps to develop mindfulness as well as the script fro the mindfulness meditation with us. You can download it here:

Download here

23 April - Imane Soubra - in ARABIC
"Stop binging while stuck at home"

Imane Soubra   is a Hypnotherapist and a Rapid Transformational Therapist 

How do you deal with your emotions?
And how are they related to your eating behavior?
How do you manage your weight, or maybe binging or food addictions? 
And how do you communicate with your subconscious mind?

Starting with her personal story with dieting and how hypnosis helped her, she talks about comfort food and how the behavior of binging builds up. 
She explains the 3 golden but simple rules of the mind : the best process to interact with our mind, how familiarity dominates over all our life, and our mind's number one job, how it drags us away from pain and lead us to pleasure,  elaborating how our mind decides what are pains and what are pleasures.


Here’s the link to the replay:
You can connect with Imane on: 

24 April - Elizabeth Campbell - in ENGLISH
Channel Worry and Fear with Hypnosis and ThetaHealing

Elizabeth Campbell  is a a board-certified hypnotherapist and certified instructor of hypnotherapy, a master in NLP practitioner and instructor, and a certified ThetaHealer and Instructor, and a Rapid Transformational Therapist .  
She lives in Stuart, Florida, and sees clients online from around the world.  She has worked for many years on Skype and Zoom and continues to do so even more during this time of isolation.   Because she can’t choose what she likes best, seeing clients or teaching, she does both. 

In this session, she briefly explains the topic and then takes you through a hypnotic experience, charged up with ThetaHealing to make it accepted more deeply.  
This experience helps us to channel worry and fear into something more resourceful.  

Here’s the link to the replay:

You can connect with Elizabeth here: 

611 SW Federal Highway, Suite K1, Stuart, Florida 34994



26 April - Claude Ribaux - in ENGLISH
FLOW experience at home

Claude Ribaux   is a Coach, Consultant, Researcher & Speaker

Since 1991 Claude has conducted more than 15'000 solution-oriented sessions as a trainer, coach and therapist.

For ten years he has been helping people in their profession to achieve more FLOW, i.e. maximum performance with maximum well-being.

He is also an active part of the groundbreaking Hypno-Science project at the University of Zurich and a board member of the Swiss Professional Association for Hypnotherapy.

FLOW is an optimal state of consciousness where we feel our best and perform our best, moments when focus gets so intense that everything else disappears. Action and awareness start to merge. Our sense of self vanishes, our sense of time as well. And all aspects of performance, both mental and physical, go through the roof.

We talk about ways to remember flow feelings and how to bring them back into the mind-body system at home. It is also about using movement to overcome boredom or bad feelings within a few moment.

This will help you regain joy in your work or overcome your boredom or burnout, have more fun in learning or rehearsing, boost your motivation and overcome inner feelings of emptiness or a depressive dent

Here’s the link to the replay:

You can reach Claude here: 




27 April - Rod Kelly - in ENGLISH
Understanding the Aura

Rod Kelly   is a Board Certified hypnotist, and spiritual counsel. He has established a reputation as an expert in both issue resolution, and Master of self-healing techniques.

Rod is the author of several books, and he has developed unique methods of helping people discover their own healing abilities, such as healing their aura in a 3 to 5 minute technique.

In this talk, he speaks about his own experience with both, healing himself and also helping others. He will also help you understand what the aura is, and demonstrate his simple technique 

Here’s the link to the replay:

You can reach find out more about Rod here: 

28 April - Dr Kate Beaven-Marks - in ENGLISH
"Becoming comfortable with uncomfortable"

Dr Kate Beaven-Marks   is a UK-based hypnotherapy trainer and author.
Passionate about raising awareness and standards for hypnotherapy, she is chair of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis and on the board for hypnotherapy with the Complementary and Natural Healthcare Council.
As part of the research for her doctorate, she completed training with over 200 international hypnosis and hypnotherapy training providers and has a vast library of hypnosis books and resources.
She is a popular presenter internationally on all topics relating to hypnosis and particularly how we communicate with ourselves and others.

In this talk, she explores a range of strategies for defining your comfort zone and boosting resilience. Psychological resilience is often considered an individual’s ability to mentally or emotionally handle a crisis or return to their pre-crisis state quickly, being able to ‘bounce back’, as a result of having and using personal strategies and addressing potential stressors. Yet this view of resilience could be challenged as not recognizing the potential for growth.

Kate explores the benefits of not only being able to ‘bounce back’, but by becoming stronger as a result of the challenge.

Here’s the link to the replay:

You can reach Kate here: 
 info@drkatehypno.com www.drkatehypno.com www.hypnosis-courses.com

29 April - Petra Frese - in ENGLISH
"Super Soul Sex"

Dr Petra Frese   
Some years ago, one decision has totally changed her life. She had to learn “the hard way” that there is much more between heaven and earth that science can grab yet, and she then decided to become an Hypnotherapist. She was trained by Jerry Kein (founder of OMNI Hypnosis Training Center®) and Hansruedi Wipf (owner of OMNI Hypnosis Training Center®), and is now board certified by OMNI, the NGH and IBHEC.
Later, she even became a Designated Certification Instructor for OMNI Hypnosis Training Center® because she is so convinced by the “OMNI way of hypnosis”.
Additionally, Petra has completed many, many supplementary certification trainings.
She also holds a Master of Engineering degree, is a Scientist and a Certified Expert of Communication and Body Language.
Petra was born and raised in Germany, lived in Switzerland for more than a decade and is now based in Allentown, PA (USA).

Today, Petra talks about a topic that most people who are in relationships are confronted with, and yet is such a taboo for many.
Our relationships consist of and thrive on community, leisure, communication, understanding, empathy, acceptance...... and... our sexual life.
How can being confined affect this important human factor? And how important is it to address it? 
Petra also discusses the importance of sexuality as a basic human need.

Here’s the link to the replay:

You can reach Petra here: 

30 April - Ina Oostrom - in ENGLISH
The Key to Self-Empowerment

Ina Oostrom    is the owner of HypnoseMentor/OMNI Hypnosis Training Center® Netherlands.
She in an international speaker and teacher of Hypnotherapy.

In 2015, she received the Gerald Kein Award for 'Excellence in Hypnotism'
On 10 August 2019, she received the high distinction of the National Guild of the 'Order of Braid' and became a member of the Council Order of Braid.
She has written two books:
'Hypnosis, the key to Self-Empowerment' - a book with information for the general public about what hypnosis is and how it works
'Surgery in Hypnosis', about her experience of guiding a person in hypnosis during surgery for the removal of a benign tumor from the breast.

In this talk, she spoke about 'The Key to Self-Empowerment"
What we think becomes our reality. 
This has even a foundation in Quantum Physics, where it is supposed, that our reality is based on intelligent emptiness, or what you could call subtle energy. Where our thoughts flow, the body follows.
If you see your body as an expression of your thoughts, can you imagine how your body looks full of fear, or anger and rage?
We say 'scarred by life' - in that sense the body can give an expression of the inner world of a person.
The sciences of Psychoimmunobiology makes clear, how important it is to use relaxation techniques.
There is even a research that shows that with words and thoughts we can change our DNA.
We are not a victim of our environment, we have ways to defend and increase the working of our immune system.

Here’s the link to the replay:

You can reach Ina here: 
https://hypnosiscommunity.nl (for free audios and videos)

1 May - Anette Unger - in GERMAN
Bewusst in der Krise - kraftvoller Umgang mit Ängsten - mittels Neurographik

Anette Unger    arbeitet seit 2010 als Life Coach und seit 2017 auch kreativ u.a. als Art Designerin.
Diese beiden Aspekte verbindet sie jetzt in ihrer Arbeit als Coach, quasi „Kreative Wege der Selbstentfaltung“.
Dabei geht es verstärkt um das „bewusst werden“ des eigenen SEINS.
Kreative Methoden wie die Neurographik sind hier nur ein Werkzeug, das sie anwendet.
Zudem arbeitet sie viel mit bewusstseinsöffnenden Fragen und begleitet Frauen dabei sich ihrer eigenen Schöpferkraft bewusst zu werden, um so ein glückliches & sinnerfülltes Leben zu kreieren.Das Thema heute ist:

„Bewusst in der Krise - kraftvoller Umgang mit Ängsten zurück in deine Kraft - mittels Neurographik“

Außergewöhnliche Situationen bedürfen besonderer Achtsamkeit und bewusster Auseinandersetzung, damit du - statt aus deinen unbewussten, stressigen Auto-Programmen - wieder aus der Kraft deines wahren Wesens agieren & kreieren kannst.

Krisen erzeugen oft Angst, doch statt in der Angst zu erstarren, lade ich dich ein, eine bewusste Lösung zu suchen und pro-aktiv in Bewegung zu kommen.

Angst erzeugt in uns Stress, der uns von unserem wahren Sein & unserer Intuition abschneidet, uns anfällig für Panik und sinnlose Aktionen macht. Sie lässt uns den Kontakt zu uns selbst verlieren. Sie schwächt uns & unser (Immun-)System. Sie blockiert uns und wir können einfach keinen Weg mehr sehen und schon gar nicht unsere KRAFT erleben. 

In solchen Momenten bedarf es einem Innehalten und neu wählen. Alleine kommen wir oft nicht aus diesem Kreislauf aus Angst und Starre raus, weil wir es nicht gelernt haben mit unseren UrÄngsten umzugehen und schon gar nicht, sie als Benzin für unseren Motor zu nutzen.

In diesem Online Call/ Workshop kannst du deine Fokus neu setzen und mittels einem wundervollen kreativen Weg, schnell & spielerisch aus dem Krisen-Gefühlschaos aussteigen.

Gemeinsam transformieren wir deine negativen Gefühle und du findest im aktiven Prozess neue Impulse, gestärkt aus der Krise hervor zu gehen. Dabei geht es darum, dir deiner Kraft & Stärken bewusst zu werden und diese wieder zu aktivieren. 

Das Ziel: bewusst & leicht in die neueZeit zu gehen. 


Anette hat ein Angebot als next Step nach dem Workshop - kostenloses LIFE.Coaching

"Was ist jetzt möglich? ...bewusst in die neue Zeit" - LIVE Q&A Zoom Call

WAS:                   Stell mir deine Fragen zu deiner aktuellen Situation

WANN:                09.05.2020 / 14:00 inkl. Aufzeichnung (Neue Termine werden regelmässig hinzugefügt)

Anmeldung:         https://neuezeit.eventbrite.de


aktuelles Programm:    „WER BIN ICH?“ …bewusst in die neue Zeit!

Nächster Start:    17.05.2020 

Buchen unter:     http://neueZeit_coaching.eventbrite.de


Hier geht's zum Replay:

Hier könnt ihr Anette erreichen: 

bit.ly/Klarheitsgesprächbuchen (Termine buchen)

2 May - Abeer Khiami - in ENGLISH
"Accepting change and allowing it to move us forward"

Abeer Khiami   is a Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Master, and has been practicing mental coaching and energy healing for the past 10 years.

She has gathered certifications in Quantum touch, Usui Reiki Master/ Teacher Practitioner, Theta Healing and Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology, as well as Clinical Hypnotherapy, NLP and Aura Reading.   

She understands how to listen as well as feel the clients' needs to put them at ease. She is reflective with a meaningful conversation about values, ethics, people and personal growth. She has a sympathetic and compassionate nature that helps her guide clients in achieving personal goals and maintain a positive momentum. She provides great support for  to connect deeper within the self-using tools such as meditations, cleansing and practice. 

In this call, Abeer discusses change and what it really means and the constant change that we are living.

She will elaborate on why we sometimes are stuck and feel nothing is moving, and what we can do starting from within,  to take responsibility, accept new beliefs and habits and move towards Love, and this way, move forward. 

Here’s the link to the replay:

You can reach Abeer here: 

3 May - Arti Tuteja - in ENGLISH
"Embodied Cognition"

Arti Tuteja  is the founder of Potential Unlimited, life style coaching and professional development company based in Dubai, UAE. Her combined experience of corporate human resources and consulting have allowed her to transform her clients’ lives on many fronts – work, relationships, health, stress, anxiety, habits and more. Arti is now an OMNI Hypnosis trainer and NLP Instructor.

On the human resources front, Arti’s specialization lies in Human Behavior (DISC) profiling, job analysis, competency development and performance management.

With over her 20 years of experience, Arti has been instrumental in independently setting up HR processes and functions for some one of India’s companies, and has worked on key recruitment projects with Philips Consulting Limited in Nigeria.

Prior to setting up Potential Unlimited, Arti was an associate with a dubai based coaching company. Here she spent over three years dealing with client issues ranging across anxiety, grief, panic attacks, bingeing, fear, self-confidence, study improvement, smoking, weight management and more.

Today, Arti thoroughly enjoys working with a diverse clientele of both individual clients battling some of these issues, as well as organizations and teams that are looking to identify performance and mindset issues, and create more positive work environments.

 Arti delivers lectures, Certified Training  Programs and workshops, and works with clients in UAE, India

In this call, speaks to us about "Embodied Cognition"

What is 'Embodied Cognition"?

Arti elaborates on the Science of mind-body connection, and its importance, and the vast number of evidence supporting mind-body connection, as in epigenetics or Quantum Physics, just to name a couple.

She explained how and where information and experiences are stored, and what the role of Energy is, and also the tools that are used in various therapy methods to release this stored information and work with our energy body. 

Lastly, she shows us a simple sounds and movement exercise for phenomenal change.

Here’s the link to the replay:

You can reach Arti here: 
www.potentialunlimitedtraining.com www.omnihyposisindia.com info@potentialunlimitedtraining.com https://www.facebook.com/Potentialunlimitedtraining/ https://www.linkedin.com/in/arti-tuteja-982b7921/ https://www.instagram.com/arti_clinicalhypnotherapist/ https://www.youtube.com/feed/my_videos

4 May - Jacqueline Mehlig - in GERMAN
Astropsychologische Lichtblicke

Jacqueline Mehlig     hat Politikwissenschaft und Rechtswissenschaft studiert und abgschlossen, danach lange Jahre beim Roten Kreuz gearbeitet,  und war vor ihrer Selbstständigkeit zuletzt als Geschäftsführerin des Sächsischen Bildungswerkes des DRK tätig.
Jacqueline hat sich schon immer für Systeme interessiert – ob politische, unternehmerische oder der Mensch als kleinste Einheit eines Systems. Das Spiel der Interaktion zwischen Menschen und Gedanken, Gefühlen, inneren Prozessen, worauf unsere Entscheidungen beruhen, wenn wir sie treffen oder eben nicht. Was bringt uns in Bewegung, etwas zu verändern – ob in Organisationen oder bei uns selbst. 
Also hat sie eine Zusatzqualifikation als Systemische Organisationsentwicklerin an der Business School of Nancy erworben. Während zwei Coaching Seminaren lernte sie das Coaching mit Naturgesetzen kennen und kam zum ersten Mal in Berührung mit der Astropsychologie. Anfangs skeptisch, vertiefte sie sich in das Wissen und die Methodik, um letztlich noch eine Ausbildung zur Astropsychologischen Beraterin und Therapeutin zu machen.
 So arbeitet sie jetzt seit mehreren Jahren erfolgreich in der systemisch astropsychologischen Beratung und gründete FREI+MUT.

Astropsychologie geht von einem freien Willen aus, wir selbst können uns weiterentwickeln, unsere Potenziale erforschen und lernen besser auszuschöpfen.
Astropsychologie zeigt rasch und unverschleiert unsere blinden Flecken, Ängste und unsere Anlagen für Muster, die vielleicht im Laufe der Jahre nicht mehr so hilfreich sind. Sie offenbart, wo wir ein Leben lang achtsam sein dürfen, wenn wir uns weiterentwickeln wollen, um nicht in einer Schleife festzuhängen. Sie zeigt auf, wie wir am besten Herausforderungen meistern können – und vor allem auf was uns die aktuelle Zeit der Pandemie ganz persönlich hinweist.    

Astropsychologische Lichtblicke – In diesem talk schauen wir mit der Sternenbrille auf die aktuelle Zeit.
Jacqueline wird zum Einstieg etwas über das Ende eines rund 200jährigen Zyklus sagen, in dem es um den Aufbau materieller Sicherheit ging und wir jetzt eine Zeit der Reduktion und Transformation erleben dürfen, bevor eine luftig leichtere Zeit ansteht, in der materielles dem Geist folgt und wahrscheinlich auch soziale Ideen ab 2025 stark Fuß fassen können, wir wieder in einen leichteren Flow kommen werden. Warum wir uns jetzt quasi wie an eine Prüfungssituation vorkommen und wie wir diese ohne „Prüfungsangst“ gut absolvieren.  
Wir haben am 05.05. den Wechsel der Mondknotenachse in die Zwillinge-Schützezeichen. Wir dürfen wieder lernen, wir dürfen „Schüler“ werden, sachlich Nachdenken, nicht vorverurteilen. Was wissen wir denn eigentlich, bevor wir uns eine Meinung bilden und diese in Worte fassen? Es wird eine spürbare Leichtigkeit eintreten können, in der wir in der Krise die Chance tatsächlich erkennen können. Wir dürfen fast mit kindlicher Neugier, Neues entdecken und in den kommenden 1 ½ Jahren neutraler und objektiver werden, um nicht an alles mit einer vorgefertigten Meinung heranzugehen. Für wen kann die Konstellation z.B. die große Liebe bedeuten?  
Und zum Schluss einen sonnigen Jupiter-Ausblick auf die Sommermonate geben: Lebensfreude, Liebe mit tiefgehenden Gefühlen, fruchtbare Zeiten und/oder unverhofft gute Nachrichten – auch wenn Fernreisen diesen Sommer nicht in den TOP10 der Urlaubs- und Ferienziele stehen werden. 


Hier geht's zum Replay:

Hier könnt ihr Jacqueline erreichen: 

5 May - Mona Abdulrahim-Santl - in ENGLISH
The "Hypno-Parenting" Art of dealing with children in difficult times

Mona Abdulrahim-Santl  is the founder and Managing Partner at Mind Your Power, a Holistic Consultancy focused on communication for the development of a mindset of wellbeing, for the personal, educational and corporate environment.
Having lived in several countries and continents, she understands how to flexibly adapt her training courses and coaching sessions for corporate or personal development to cultural, and also unique and individual needs. 
As NLP Trainer, Psychology Healing Practitioner, Hypnotherapy Instructor and Emotional Intelligence Specialist, she regularly holds intercultural and motivational seminars and talks, and has designed and facilitated training courses in various areas of soft skills. 
She is a member of the NGH and NFNLP, and the founder and President of the LSH.
She is also the founder of 'Hypno-Parenting', a program designed to help parents be more self-aware, and more emotionally intelligent. She has worked with International Schools, training parents, and also academic staff in the art of effective communication. Mona is equally fluent in English, German, Arabic and French. 

In this talk, I speak about using the 'Hypno-Parenting' approach to deal with children in difficult times. 
Hypno-Parenting is NOT hypnosis, neither for parents nor for children.
It is a concept of becoming aware of your own parenting style, your habits your verbal and non-verbal communication, and becoming aware of the child's personality, style, communication etc... to be able to deal with every child independently and uniquely.
In this talk, I just touched on some aspects relevant to the situation at the moment, where most families are at home 24/7

Here’s the link to the replay:

You can read more about me or connect with me here:

6 May - Georgina Kelly - in ENGLISH
"What have I learned from COVID-19?"

Georgina Kelly  has been in business for over 25 years – most of that has been working in Branding & Communications alongside her husband in a business Creative Intelligence.
3 years ago, Georgina could see there was a gap in the market for Sales and Customer Service training. Since she has been working in Business Development for decades, she decided to combine her BD, Business & Branding experience together and start working with in-house sales teams and help them develop their skills using a completely different mindset and way of learning. “I thought I walk the talk so now let us talk the talk’
She writes her own training material and it comes from her heart as much as her 30 years of business experience. It is just her and you learning new ways of doing things together with a big dollop of business acumen thrown in.

In this talk, Georgina very casually shared with us how the appearance of Covid-19 has affected her in her life.
Georgina spoke about her feelings and emotions, her reactions, and the activities she undertook.
She spoke about all the small and big things she learned - how to not stress over things that she believes she should have done -  that life will throw up a curve ball and you need to go with the flow - how to Gove in to emotions - how to pick a book - and much much more....

Here’s the link to the replay:

You can find out more about Georgina here:
georgina@georginakellyme.com   https://www.facebook.com/georginakellyme/ @georginakelly_me

7 May - Nada Jreissati Daher - in ARABIC
"Resilience Intelligence"

Nada Jreissati Daher   is an accredited ICF Master Coach, and has been raising awareness about coaching, mentoring coaches-to-be and training leaders all over the Middle East since 1996.
Specializing in Performance Coaching, she works with individuals and companies from various backgrounds, enhancing them with skills, mindsets and solutions to grow their presence and leadership in the market.
Nada’s pioneering spirit compelled her to be the first to introduce the ICF to Lebanon in order to empower the local coaching industry with international standards.
In 2017, she was selected by the INSEAD to join a small group of international experts to develop a pilot coaching program.
In 2018, the ICF solicited her to work on revising and updating their competencies
Nada is the founder of PragmaDoms, as well as the newborn organization coachinginlebanon.com

Resilience is as much a cycle as it is a series of individual traits and strength of external resources. People often emerge stronger, more fulfilled, and more grateful for having dealt with a challenge. Indeed, it seems that having such challenges in life is a pathway to realizing more of our potential and pushing us to places we never considered possible. Human beings were designed to be resilient, and this session offers a tour for the factors or choices that people can make to increase resilience and build the capacity to recover from adversity.

So in today's talk, Nada will talk about:
  • Understanding the Curve Of Change
  • Using the Assumption Chart
  • The Foundation of Resilience
  • The Stages of Resilience
  • The Path of Recovery


Here’s the link to the replay:
You can find with Nada on: 

Nada has generously shared the spreadsheet to understand the 9 core motivation types and how to get to resilience through your type. You can download it here:
Download here

8 May - Karen Elia - in ARABIC
How to avoid Burnout

Karen Elia   is a clinical Psychologist, Counselor, Hypnotherapist, and researcher, and has an international diploma in restorative justice. 
She works with individuals as well as couples, mainly in the field of sexual abuse and trauma, and since 1999 also volunteers in prisons.
Karen is Head of the health comity at the higher council for childhood at MOSA
She is also an International speaker and trainer in the field of psychology.

Burnout has become a very common syndrome nowadays.
However, there are a lot of misconceptions around it, and resemblance to other mental health disorders.

In this talk, Karen discussed how we can identify burnout from other mental illnesses, and how prevention can help.
She also gave tips on how to cope with burnout especially in the time of COVID-19, and how to avoid it. 


Here’s the link to the replay:

You can find with Karen on: 

9 May - Gloria Constantas - in ENGLISH
"Recipe for Happiness"

Gloria Constantas   has been hypnotizing clients for over 40 years!
She got certified as a Consulting Hypnotist in 1996 and a Certified Hypnosis Instructor in 2006.
She got certified in Theta Healing in 2012.
She has been on the adjunct faculty of National Guild of Hypnotists since 2001 and has presented workshops about Hot Flashes, Memory, Creativity, Happiness, and Gratitude, for hypnotists and the general public.
She is dedicated to spreading laughter and boosting the immune system with hypnosis, especially at this time of Pandemic.

What is the antidote for fear and worry? Happiness!
Happiness is more than just a fleeting emotion, it is a skill you can learn.
Gloria has concocted a recipe of 6 essential ingredients for happiness that she shares with you today.
Everyone wants to be happy.
Happy people have better relationships, work success, and live longer and healthier lives.
Learn how you can maximize your health and happiness with Glorias recipe!
Let’s do some laughter exercises and boost our immune systems! 

You can get in touch with Gloria here:

Here’s the link to the replay:

Here is a list of books Gloria spoke about:
• The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor. He has a Ted Talk about this.
• Your Body Believes Every Word You Say by Barbara Levine.
• Authentic Happiness and Learned Optimism by Martin Seligman. He has some Ted Talks.
• Spontaneous Happiness by Andrew Weil.

And this is Gloria's recipe:
G - Gratitude
L - Laughter
O - Optimism
R - Relationships
 I - Imagination
A - Affirmations

Take copious amounts of the above ingredients, mix together, and sprinkle with sunshine.
No cooking necessary, just add friends and enjoy!
This recipe is suitable for all diets, including raw, vegan, and vegetarian.
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